Autumn food walk

In the evening, when the visitors have left the Wildlife Park and the animals have reclaimed their habitat, enter into their mysterious nocturnal world and roam the Wildlife Park's forest paths.
Enjoy a tasty selection of local specialties on different locations throughout the Park while enjoying your beautiful natural surroundings, the deep forest, the many animals that populate the park... While your taste buds enjoy these local delicacies, keep your ears wide open and listen carefully to your guide revealing you the Park's many secrets...A culinary walk in a stunning natural site... The perfect recipe for a lovely evening! And, please, dear gourmet friends, remember: when the pot bubbles, friendship lives!Our very tasty menu
- Cone with dried saucisson from Bioul and farmhouse cheese
- Mozzarella and pesto lollipop
- Tartar of smoked duck breast with apricot
Hot soup:
- Pumpkin soup with yellow curry and coconut milk
- Annevoie trout rillettes, tarragon, Granny Smith and thinly sliced bread
Cold soup:
- Cold cauliflower soup, cucumber and yarrow
Main course:
- Beef grilled with herbs
- Poultry steak grilled with Maredsous beer
- Béarnaise sauce
- Vegetable gratin
- Our favourite salad: mesclun (assorted small young salad leaves), apple, nutsand raisins
- Potatoe salad with Bister mustard and fresh herbs
- Baby potatoes with fleur de sel (finest-quality sea salt) and thyme
- Seasonal fruit with verbena, crunchy meringue, whipped cream
27 Sep

from 17:45




Domaine des Grottes de Han
Rue des Grottes 46
B-5580 Han-sur-Lesse (Rochefort)
50.12436 5.19149 9


Price web: 70 €/ad. - 40 €/child. - Gold pass: -15%. Booking mandatory. Please remember to dress warmly and to wear walking shoes.